Coursework and an Academic Timeline
My graduate level coursework at the University of Michigan (along with time-stamped academic milestones to make this a little more interesting, and put things in perspective) include:
- Winter 2007:
- ME 995 — Dissertation/Candidate
- [Satisfy requirements for and earn my MS in Mathematics in December 2006]
- Fall 2006:
- [My first ever stint as a GSI (for ME 382, in September 2006) is well received]
- Winter 2006:
- [Officially admitted into the Mathematics Department to work on a master's degree in March 2006]
- Fall 2005:
- [Get my dissertation committee approved by my programs' coordinators and Rackham graduate school]
- [Successfully defend my preliminary research proposal and advance to candidacy in September 2005]
- Winter 2005:
- Fall 2004:
- [Pass the qualifying examination toward my doctoral degree in April 2004]
- Winter 2004:
- [Satisfy requirements for and earn my MSE in Mechanical Engineering in December 2003]
- Fall 2003:
- [I was offered and politely declined appointment as a GSI in September 2003]
- [Begin my first ever (terribly exciting) series of talks starting with one at M.I.T in June 2003]
- Winter 2003:
- [Appointed as a GSRA in the Mechanical Engineering Department in January 2003]
- Fall 2002:
- [Enter graduate school at the University of Michigan in September 2002]
N.B. Courses I have (officially) audited have been italicized.